SHOCK: Shanterrica Madden has been charged with first degree murder in the death of Middle Tennessee State University basketball player Tina Stewart, who was pronounced dead at a local hospital after police answered a disturbance call Wednesday night found her stabbed at her apartment.
The Daily News Journal reports police spokesman Kyle Evans says Madden stabbed Stewart during an argument. Two others were ruled out as suspects after police interviewed them.
The 21-year-old Stewart had multiple wounds when authorities found her, Evans said. Police had been called because of a disturbance, and Evans said officers took a man and a woman into custody outside the apartment before finding Stewart inside. She was taken to Middle Tennessee Medical Center and was later pronounced dead. Source
This is the second woman in a week that killed another during an argument. John Jay graduate and JP Morgan Chase employee Kamisha Richards was stabbed to death in a New York City apartment by her boyfriend's sister, Kayla Henriques, during a dispute over a $20 loan. This is unconscionable. Both women had promising futures, only to be snatched away by two female thugs.
[via blackpoliticalthought.blogspot.com]