When shopping for online car insurance, the right information can go a long way. We give you the insurance basics — and more — to help you make informed decisions and to better understand your car insurance coverages and service options.
Shop for Car Insurance Online
Customers choose to shop for Progressive car insurance online and offline for our extensive offering of coverages, specialized claims service and competitive rates. Car insurance coverages include Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability, Comprehensive, Collision, Rental Reimbursement, Roadside Assistance, and much more. If you're thinking about shopping for car insurance online, over the phone or in person, we're here to help — no matter your age. In fact, on top of our in-depth information about car insurance in general, Car Insurance for Teens section offers pointers specifically for younger drivers who want to learn more about driving and online car insurance.
You can even view a car insurance comparison chart to see how other car insurance companies in your state compare to Progressive.
Car Insurance Features
A Progressive car insurance policy comes loaded with extra features at no extra cost, including 24/7 live support, local response claims service and our unique concierge level of claims service. Plus, some Progressive car insurance coverages involve perks like Total Loss Replacement, Accident Forgiveness, Pet Injury coverage and more.
Get an Online Car Insurance Quote and More
With so many online car insurance companies out there, choosing the right one for your car insurance needs is important. By getting an online car insurance quote from Progressive, you can also take advantage of car insurance comparisons, money-saving tips, discounts, payment plans and more. Go ahead — find the car insurance rate and service that's right for you. We'll be with you every step of the way.